things I learned just from spending a few hours with him
I’m not dead inside after all. since my second marriage ended, I’ve believed that I would never want to have any sort of relationship again. today, I spent time with someone for just part of the day, and although I will probably never see him again, and the purpose of our day was anything but romantic, I felt things I hadn’t felt since I started dating my first husband a LONG time ago.
it doesn’t have to be the guy I hung out with today. in fact, it can’t be that guy, but some appropriate person will help spark that great feeling again, I look forward to it. in the meantime, I won’t try to make someone fit into a pre-conceived mold of what I think is a great person. that’s what I did last time. lesson learned.
is it you or the guy that makes you feel that way? maybe its you letting yourself feel that way. what a great moving forward step for you. i had a similarly great interaction with a guy once, who helped me to see what an unexpressed shell of a person i was at that time. these interactions can be so pivotal to our own thinking and feelings at the time.
5:28 PM
good question -- it was mostly him, honestly. I’ve met some other guys recently with an eye towards dating them, and some have been cool enough for me to consider being friends with them, and some have sent me running and screaming in the opposite direction. this guy -- he was different. he was also about 1,000 times cuter than the dudes I usually meet, but it was a whole lot more than that. the cuteness, however, did not hurt. and these moments can be quite revealing of what we could have if we just express that part of ourselves; I agree.
5:39 PM
good point, Tex Offender! how *could* I ever forget, ummm, "him" (a.k.a. "you")? unfortunately, we were neither actually available at the same time. and then you went and married a very nice person. I mean, I kept my options open for us by marrying whatchamacallit, you know? but thanks for the reminder; you were cool. are cool.
8:14 PM
feel more than free to come over this weekend to visit the house of boxes. the actual move happens Monday, when the moving guys get here (and when you’re working). but you can always watch me get frustrated trying to find a snack while I slowly pack the few remaining boxes, or you can observe P.K. climbing all over everything at once!
I'm working the day after the move on a music video for a Christian rock band. I'll try to remember to blog about it, but my guess is it won't have the same tenor as this post.
8:56 PM
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